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Getting To Know Coffee

Origins and Roasting Techniques

The coffee plant, which is a bush that bears cherry fruit, yields two seeds - what we call beans. These beans are separated from the fruit and dried in the sun. We'll delve into this process in a future post, as it's a deep and fascinating subject.

Coffee typically grows in specific climates, environments, and altitudes. Ideal temperatures range between 59 and 75 degrees with high humidity, and the plants grow best in partial shade between 2000-6500 feet in elevation. Countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Ethiopia (my personal favorite), Brazil, and even Hawaii cultivate coffee.

As for who discovered coffee, there are two stories, but neither is definitive. According to Ethiopian legend, goat herder Kaldi discovered the potential of these beloved beans. After eating berries from a certain tree, Kaldi's goats became so energetic that they refused to sleep at night. This is likely the most accurate story.

When it comes to roasting coffee, opinions vary on whether dark, medium, or light roast is best. In my experience, medium roast is the most favorable as it highlights the complexities of coffee. Darker roasts mask the unique flavor profiles of the coffee bean and its origin. Like wine, coffee's origin, soil, weather conditions, and harvesting time all play a significant role in its flavor. Our job as roasters is to honor the hard work that farmers put into growing coffee by highlighting these flavors to the best of our ability.

My intention with this blog is to educate and engage with coffee enthusiasts. I'm not an expert on everything coffee-related, nor will I ever be. However, my passion for learning and sharing knowledge with friends and customers is what drives me. If I make a mistake, please let me know so I can learn from it and make corrections.

In my upcoming post, I'll be diving into the topic of water quality and why it's crucial to consider. Stay tuned for more coffee insights!



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